
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Encounter with a Drunk Jets Ogor

After last week's Jets vs. Packers game a Drunk Ogur-esque Jets Fan decided to walk down the middle of the parking lot lane as we were driving through. As we lightly honked to move the bastard decided to kick our car....being the mature adults we were (I was in the back seat) we decided to move forward and let the Ogur have his glory day by kicking a female drivers car. Well folks it didn't end there, he then decided to chase the car down and proceed to punch both the driver's side window which may I remind you was a woman and then proceed to go to the passenger's side and punch the window and kick the car.  Being the extremely non-confrontational person that I am I completely froze and had three thoughts go through my head....they are as follows:
  1. "Is this really happening right now?" - I was shocked that even an Ogur of the male form would punch a woman. If he would have gone through the window he would have caused severe damage to a female....anddddd....he officially gets the D-Bag of the Year Award for that alone!
  2. "Holy Shit...I can't drop to the floor of the car because it's not big enough for me." - Yes that's right I said it I wanted to drop to the floor. It's my natural defense mechanism of all times, however seeing I was in a small car there was no room for my fat ass.
  3. "Maybe if I act special, he won't punch me." - And I know it's a low class tactic but let's be serious he was going to hit a female and I have zero self defense skills so I figured that would be my last resort
After roughly 5 minutes of this which felt close to 9 hours the Ogur left to go back to his cave where he belonged.   Key learning's from this shit show....1) Don't honk at people in a parking lot 2) The Jerz is crazy 3) Take self-defense classes and 4) Get a bottle of mace for my key chain

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