
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What do the White House and Sharting have in Common...Al Roker!

Now there are plenty of memorable interviews that have happened over the last decade but I would say Al Roker's interview on Dateline may take the cake as one of the best. Reasons why this conversation will go down in history as one of the best. 
  • Grown man admits to sharting - the act of farting but then shitting your pants
  • Grown man admits to sharting in the WHITE HOUSE
  • Grown man admits to sharting in the WHTIE HOUSE then going COMMANDO (no underwear) in the WHITE HOUSE
I honestly can't think of a more memorable interview....below is a quick recap of the actual dialogue. 

"When you have a bypass and your bowels [have] been reconstructed, you think you're pretty safe," Roker told Dateline's Nancy Snyderman .
"And I probably went off and ate something I wasn't supposed to. And as I'm walking to the press room … I gotta pass a little gas here. I'm walking by myself. Who's gonna know? Only a little something extra came out," the news anchor explains.
"You pooped in your pants," Snyderman says.
"I pooped my pants. Not horribly, but enough that I knew," Roker answers.

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