
Thursday, November 22, 2012


As I'

Ron Jeremy - Porn Star
As I'm sure everyone knows it is Movember which is a great philanthropic event to raise funds for men's health causes like prostrate cancer.  It's really an amazing cause and I suggest everyone to checkout the website and donate....

So let's get down to the other reason why I love this philanthropic cause....the mustache. I think it's great that there is an event that ENCOURAGES men to grow a mustache that typically turns out looking like a "pornstache".  Men are horny's the reality of the world. In addition, most men think they are sexual beasts like a porn star so this cause really allows them to embrace their inner porn star with a pornstache.  Their girl friends or wives can't even complain about the inner porn star release because it's raising money for a great cause. Now if that isn't a win win for all males on the planet.

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